西顾「 VR星球」正式上架华为!黄金长假花样宅~

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接力华为开发者大会,西顾原创《欢迎来到VR星球》正式上架华为VR Glass!

After joining HDC (Huawei Developer Conference), we are now officially launching the FXG VR Planet app on the Huawei VR content market.


By now, most people have experienced VR at least once in their life. Enthusiasts and pro-sumers are probably more selective about the experience they try,  however not everyone has that privilege, and the market is filled with low quality content which discouraged a lot of people from buying a VR headset.


Now I’m sure you’d prefer to try the best of the best, so we’ve got you covered!


FXG’s Welcome to VR planet & Huawei VR Glass

华为VR Glass自问世就受到大量VR爱好者的追捧,特别是它的700度近视调节功能,便利了一大批近视VR爱好者!

Huawei VR Glass was a huge success, and many VR enthusiasts sought after them. 


支持700°以内的单眼近视独立调节,戴上华为VR Glass后双眼都能看得清晰。瞳距自适应范围高达55-71mm,适合大多数人群,玩得轻松。

Thanks to it’s 700° myopia adjustment, as well as its light-weight and portability.

超薄轻盈 佩戴舒适

华为VR Glass采用超短焦光学模组,机身厚度仅约26.6mm,看得见的纤薄。轻量化机身设计,含线控约166g重2,摸得着的轻盈。轻量纤薄,佩戴舒适,长时间使用也不易累。

Coming in at only 26.6mm thick, the glasses are surprisingly small and portable in comparison to their competition. And weighing only 166g, they’re very light since they outsource the processing and rendering to the super computer we carry around in our pockets.


华为VR Glass采用半开放式的双扬声器设计,声场开阔,声音清晰而富有层次感。开启3D立体音效,沉醉于听觉盛宴之中。在双Smart PA智能功放芯片加持下,音乐输出动态范围大幅提升,外放音量更大、低音更浑厚有力、音质更饱满。

They also use a semi-open dual-speaker design. Giving it a wide sound-scape, and a studio like audio experience.

一键投屏 秒变巨幕


The Huawei VR Glass also allows you to project your phone’s screen in your VR space. 

畅享手机上的各类影视、游戏资源,华为VR Glass还支持应用分屏,在观看大片时,可同时与好友在线聊天,一屏二用互不干扰。

Turning your mini screen into a giant virtual screen, and allowing you to play and view both 2D & 3D content on the go! They also support up split screen, allowing you to open up other applications at the same time.




We’ve been working with Huawei for sometime now, using our self-developed, ultra high-definition 3DVR cameras to capture, and provide the best 360 VR content out there, with support for up to 12K content.

打开手机,连接VR Glass,搜索VR星球,即刻进入畅游世界,尽情放飞自我~

Unlock, connect, launch, enjoy!

不止于此,西顾明星产品——旅行系列片《履客》,也即将上架华为VR Glass,届时,第一季、第二季、第三季将全部在线!

Besides, 3 seasons of FXG’s travel documentary Tripping With are launching soon on the Huawei VR market. So make sure to tune in for that!


如果你是时刻离不开手机的人,那就把手机内容投屏到VR Glass里去,拥有双倍快乐

Travel the world from the comfort of your couch.


It’s almost Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, do you have any travel plans? If not, why not come with us on a tour around the world!

→  www.fxgvr.com

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