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2018年,Looking Glass Factory推出了全球首台全息显示器,大部分人都不相信这项技术的可行性,但仍然有一小部分全息黑客坚信着,于是他们向成千上万的开发者寄出了当时的初代产品。

对Looking Glass来说,全息显示器不再是人类科幻电影里的幻想,而是现实中每天都能使用的产品。

Back in 2018 when we launched the world’s first holographic display, most people didn’t believe this sort of technology was possible. But a small group of fanatic hologram hackers did believe, and we were able to ship them thousands of our first generation holographic dev kits. To us, holographic displays weren’t just a dream from sci-fi movies — they were something real that we used every day.

Looking Glass一直希望每个人都能拥有自己的全息显示器,在过去18个月中秘密进行的项目终于得以公开:Looking Glass Portrait ——您的第一台私人裸眼全息显示器。

And yet, we’ve always wanted a way for everyone to have their own holographic display. That’s why today we’re so excited to share something we’ve been working on in secret for the past 18 months: the Looking Glass Portrait — your first personal holographic display.

Looking Glass Portrait相比前几款更轻便易使用,例如:

  • 嵌入式Raspberry Pi 4,用于独立的全息视频和图像回放(独立模式) 
  • 外接笔记本电脑或台式计算机时(桌面模式)实时应用程序支持 
  • 立方体中不包含的全息图像,漂浮在显示器前面的半空中 
  • 新的轻巧外形(1.5磅)

The Looking Glass Portrait is our latest display, featuring several new improvements such as: 

  • an embedded Raspberry Pi 4 for standalone holographic video and image playback (Standalone mode) 
  • real-time app support when connected to an external laptop or desktop computer (Desktop mode) 
  • holographic imagery that isn’t contained in a cube, floating in mid air in front of the display 
  • a new lightweight form factor (1.5 lbs)

Looking Glass Portrait配备了由新的和改进的光学系统提供支持的7.9英寸全息光场显示器,能够提供多达100个3D图像/视频的透视图,而无需额外的头饰或3D眼镜,从而允许多人观看单个全息图。

The Looking Glass Portrait is powered by the next generation of light field technology. The display works by generating between 45 to 100 views of a three-dimensional scene and projecting those perspectives simultaneously. Unlike any display that has come before it or in the market today, multiple users can gather around a Looking Glass Portrait to see different superstereoscopic perspectives without glasses or a headset.

当你在观看Looking Glass展示的内容时,你可以感受到数百万道光线中,这些光线能重现拍摄时捕获的现实世界场景,或是展示栩栩如生的3D建模内容。这种光场技术和其他AR/VR或是3D模拟技术不同,不会让观众产生眩晕或是不适。体验Looking Glass Portrait就像我们欣赏眼前的风景一样舒适自然。

As you move around the Looking Glass, your eyes are exposed to millions of rays of light that are reproducing captured content from the real world or playing back 3D synthetic content in the most realistic way ever developed. Because of this approach, unlike other AR/VR or 3D monitor technologies which can sometimes cause nausea and discomfort, the Looking Glass Portrait produces a viewing experience that is as comfortable as you’d experience looking at the real world.

与2018年推出的第一代Looking Glass不同,这一代系统对光学系统进行了重新设计,全息影像不再是“包含”在一个体积中,它们可以在物理显示器的前面和后面投影,这意味着您可以直接触摸到这些内容。

Unlike the first generation of Looking Glass launched back in 2018, this next generation system has reworked the optical system so that the holograms are no longer “contained” in a volume. They can project in front of and behind the physical display, meaning you can literally touch these holograms.

Looking Glass Portrait是为所有使用3D的人准备的,无论是艺术家、设计师、开发者,还是电影制片人、摄影师,甚至是刚刚开始探索3D捕捉与创作的你们。


You don’t need to know how to program to use this holographic display. Looking Glass Portrait is designed for the millions of people that work or play in 3D in any way: Artists, Designers, Developers, Filmmakers, Photographers, and those of you who are just starting to explore three-dimensional capture and creation. Even phones can now capture holograms.


The easiest way to make a hologram is to take a Portrait mode photo with your phone.

事实上,人像模式下拍摄的照片都带有深度信息。通常情况下,采用人像模式是为了产生背景虚化效果。现在,基于Looking Glass Portrait随附的软件,只需单击就可以利用这些深度信息生成3D全息图。

Believe it or not, those Portrait mode photos you’ve been taking have depth information hidden behind them. This is normally used to generate bokeh effect, and now the software that comes with every Looking Glass Portrait can use that same depth info to generate a three-dimensional hologram with a single click.

例如iPhone 12 Pro的LiDAR功能,结合先进的ML技术,可以一次拍摄最佳的深度照片。

The new iPhone 12 Pro using a combination of advanced machine learning techniques and LiDAR capabilities can capture the best depth photos yet with a single shot.

支持人像模式的iPhone:iPhone 12,iPhone 12 mini,iPhone 12 Pro,iPhone 12 Pro Max,iPhone SE(第二代),iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone XR,iPhone XS,iPhone XS Max,iPhone X,iPhone 8 Plus和iPhone 7 Plus。


Some brand-name Android phones also support depth capture with portrait mode photos. The newer the phone, generally, the better the depth map.  

基于摄影测量的3D扫描以及iPhone 12 Pro和iPad Pro的最新LiDAR扫描可以轻松地在Looking Looking Portrait中回放,该类技术充满美感与实用性,能360度全面拍摄并展示人物与对象,是最简单的工作方式。

Photogrammetry-based 3D scans and the newest LiDAR scanning with the iPhone 12 Pro and iPad Pro can be played back in the Looking Glass Portrait with ease. The advantage of these techniques is both aesthetic and practical — this is the easiest way to take and display 360° captures of people, places, and objects.

(by Moshe Caine)

近期,Looking Glass推出了HoloPlay Studio,可以将拍摄的任何2D图像转化为可用于Looking Glass Portrait的3D全息图。编辑和共享多达1,000条3D内容,包括但不限于所捕获的全息照片通过iPhone X,11和12;动画3D角色;以及其他各种沉浸式媒体。

On January 6, 2021, we announced support for a number of flagship Android phones as well as a new conversion service that can take any 2D image and convert than into a 3D hologram for Looking Glass Portrait. Read this update.


Use any camera to capture super-realistic holograms.

如果你想进一步开发全息捕捉的潜力,Looking Glass Portrait也可以显示光场照片。这是从不同角度拍摄的一系列光场照片。你可以通过平移相机进行拍摄,捕捉3D深度信息,而后把内容在Looking Glass Portrait上播放展示。

If you’re looking to push the limits of holographic capture even further, Looking Glass Portrait can also display light field photos.This is a fancy term for a series of images taken from different perspectives. You can now capture these advanced three-dimensional photographs with conventional panning shot techniques using the camera you already own and display them in Looking Glass Portrait.


This is a simple 4K panning video. It has everything needed for a super-realistic holographic “light field” photograph.



Because this method captures and displays not only depth but also the directionality of millions of rays of light. even objects like a magnifying lens work in the resulting hologram like a real magnifying lens would.

*Compatibility: Works with any camera (including phones), that can record 4K video.

2020年7月的原型系统显示了在Looking Glass Portrait中播放的Azure Kinect深度视频的测试视频流。

Looking Glass Portrait可以访问深度记录器,该记录器是PC和Mac兼容的应用程序,任何使用Microsoft Azure Kinect,Intel RealSense深度相机或iPhone X / 11/12的人都可以在其中记录,发送和播放10秒钟的全息消息。

Prototype system in July 2020 showing a test video stream of an Azure Kinect depth video played back in the Looking Glass Portrait.

The Looking Glass Portrait comes with access to Depth Recorder, a PC and Mac compatible app that lets anyone with a Microsoft Azure Kinect, Intel RealSense depth camera, or iPhone X/11/12 record, send and play back 10-second holographic messages in their Looking Glass Portrait.

(Microsoft Azure Kinect)
(Intel RealSense D435)
(Depthkit Cinema拍摄素材)

(volumetric capture company 4DViews)
(Microsoft Mixed Reality Capture Studios)
(by Oscar Creativo)

Looking Glass Portrait支持显示在4DViews,Microsoft Reality Capture,Mantis Vision和Metastage等捕获的体积内容,将这些内容显示为3D动态图,为动态图的下一阶段提供“舞台”。

Looking Glass Portrait can take in volumetric content captured in studios like 4DViews, Microsoft Reality Capture, Mantis Vision and Metastage, displaying these as three-dimensional moving images – setting the “stage” for the next phase of the moving image.

在过去的几年中,Looking Glass系列产品已经开发了功能强大的Unity和Unreal插件,现在这些插件可以与Looking Glass Portrait一起使用,以创建自己的全息App。

Over the past few years we’ve developed and refined powerful Unity and Unreal plugins for the Looking Glass lineup. Now these plugins can be used with the Looking Glass Portrait to create holographic apps of your own.


Looking Glass Portrait在桌面模式下可配合各种外接设备使用,从而实现与全息内容的高级交互,其中包括VR手柄,传感器,触觉反馈系统以及诸如Leap Motion控制器(部分全息捕获套件)。

Looking Glass Portrait works with a wide variety of peripherals in Desktop mode, allowing for advanced interaction with holograms. This includes VR controllers, various sensors for environmental inputs, tactile feedback systems, as well as hand-sensing devices like the Leap Motion Controller (part of the Holographic Capture Bundle).

(搭配leap motion使用)

到目前为止,全息显示器即使是运行最简单的全息媒体也需要功能强大的游戏笔记本电脑支持。LookingGlass Portrait仍然可以在PC和Mac的捆绑模式下工作,但是由于内置了“计算机(Raspberry Pi 4)和专有的全息软件堆栈,可以以60fps的速度查看3D内容,而无需使用系留的PC或Mac。您所要做的就是通过标准USB-C电缆将设备连接至电源。您仍然可以将3D显示器连接到外部计算机,以运行更多要求苛刻的内容。

Until now, holographic displays needed powerful gaming laptops to run even the simplest holographic media. Looking Glass Portrait can still work in that tethered mode with PCs and Macs — but it is the first system with an additional Standalone Mode, thanks to a built-in computer (Raspberry Pi 4) and a proprietary holographic software stack that can run high-fidelity recorded holographic media at 60fps. Just plug in the Looking Glass Portrait into power via the included USB-C cable.


Over the years, we’ve built a steady, strong and vibrant 3D community around holographic displays and creation. Since we founded the company in 2014, we’ve witnessed creators from all over the world connect and share their work via the third dimension. We welcome all to join our community with open three-dimensional arms.

(Made in Blender by Dedouze)
(Made in Blender by Artist Mar)


When we invented the first holographic light field display dev kits back in 2018, we estimated that within ten years over ten million people would have one, if they only understood its benefits.

文章摘自Looking Glass Factory

Categories: FXG News



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